Dr. Anand Teltumbde, A renowned intellectual visited Chennai on 08-09-2018 for a Hall meet arranged by Makkal Athikaaram.
During his visit, Comrade Maruthaiyan – General Secretary of People’s Art and Literary Association (PALA) interviewed him on things happening around Bhima Koregoan uprising and the recent arrest of activists.
Here Dr.Anand Teltumbde explains,
- Significance of Bhima Koregoan and why the Sangh Parivar afraid of it?
- Do Bhima Koregoan have concealed Anti-Modi Message?
- Is the recent arrest of activists, an attempt by Sangh Parivar to divert key issues?
- Do Sanathan sanstha related with RSS? What are their activities?
- Is the 2019 election, a Modi Vs People war? How should Left and Dalit parties face this?
Don’t miss it.
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– Vinavu Field Reporter